In our Luve dental clinic in Salou, we know that children need special dental care. That is why we have a team of specialists in pediatric dentistry that will provide you with the care you need to maintain good oral health.


Pediatric dentistry is the branch of dentistry that deals with the dental care of children from birth to adolescence. During this stage, it is essential to instill proper oral hygiene habits and carry out regular check-ups to prevent possible dental problems in the future.


At our dental clinic in Salou, we offer a wide range of pediatric dentistry services to ensure that children receive the best possible dental care. Some of them are:

  • Regular dental checkups: it is important to have regular dental checkups from childhood to detect possible problems early.
  • Caries treatment: caries are very common in children, so it is essential to treat them in time to avoid complications.
  • Pediatric orthodontics: in some cases, it is necessary to correct dental alignment problems in childhood to avoid problems in adulthood.
  • Dental extractions: in case it is necessary to extract a tooth, we have specialists who will perform the intervention with the utmost care and ensuring the welfare of the child.


In our dental clinic in Salou, we have a team of highly qualified specialists in pediatric dentistry with extensive experience in the dental care of children. We ensure that our patients feel comfortable and safe throughout the process, using techniques and materials adapted to their age and needs.

Why is Pediatric Dentistry important?

Pediatric dentistry is important because baby teeth are fundamental for the correct development of the permanent dentition and also for the correct chewing and pronunciation of words. In addition, good dental care in childhood can help prevent dental problems such as cavities and periodontal disease in the future.

What services does Pediatric Dentistry offer at Clínica Dental Luve in Salou?

At Luve Dental Clinic in Salou, we offer a wide range of pediatric dentistry services, including dental cleanings, cavity treatments, orthodontic treatments and oral disease prevention. We also provide advice and guidance to parents on how to help their children maintain good oral hygiene.

How can pediatric dentistry improve the health and appearance of your child’s smile?

Pediatric dentistry can improve the health and appearance of your child’s smile in several ways. First, it helps prevent dental problems such as cavities and periodontal disease. In addition, orthodontic treatments can correct bite problems and align teeth, thus improving the appearance of the smile. Finally, the education and advice we provide to parents on how to help their children maintain good oral hygiene can help improve long-term dental health.

At Luve Dental Clinic in Salou, we are proud to provide a wide range of pediatric dentistry services to ensure comprehensive dental care for children. We offer specialized pediatric dentistry treatments that include preventing cavities, treating gum disease, correcting bites and performing dental cleaning procedures in a safe and child-friendly environment.

Our team of dentists specializing in pediatric dentistry strives to provide high quality dental care to children, with a focus on education and prevention. We believe that early dental care is essential to establish a solid foundation of oral hygiene and to prevent future problems.

In addition, we strive to make the dental experience as pleasant and painless as possible for children. We use advanced anesthesia techniques and state-of-the-art technology to minimize pain and discomfort during dental procedures.

At Luve Dental Clinic in Salou, we are committed to providing high-quality, comprehensive dental care for children, and we strive to make pediatric dentistry an important part of their overall well-being and long-term development.

  1. Pediatric dentistry consultations: for a complete evaluation and a personalized treatment plan for each patient.
  2. Dental cleanings: to maintain good dental health and prevent cavities and other oral diseases.
  3. Tooth sealants: to prevent caries in primary and permanent teeth.
  4. Caries treatment: to stop and treat dental caries in its early stages.
  5. Fluoride: to strengthen teeth and prevent tooth decay.
  6. Malocclusion treatment: to correct bite problems, such as crossbite or open bite.
  7. Orthodontic appliances: to correct bite problems and align teeth and jaws.
  8. Braces treatment: to correct frenulum problems and improve dental function and appearance.
  9. Oral habit treatment: to help patients overcome unwanted oral habits, such as thumb sucking.
  10. Dental hygiene education: to help patients develop and maintain good dental hygiene habits throughout life.


At Luve Dental Clinic in Salou, we are committed to offering the best dental care for the little ones through our pediatric dentistry services and our highly qualified team of specialists. If you need more information or would like to make an appointment, please do not hesitate to contact us by calling 722 658 753 or visiting our clinic at Carrer de l’Església, 5, Salou. We are happy to help you!